Toolbox with Assets

The CRVS Digitisation Toolbox comprises of assets that can be useful in any CRVS digitisation project. These include architectural models and templates that can be used as a starting point and modified to meet the requirements of any one particular project. The benefit of having this toolbox is that any one project does not need to begin from scratch

Phase Step Asset Name Type Asset Description
Preparation 2. Develop a Business Case for CRVS Digitisation CRVS Business Case Template Complete to define your business case for the Analysis & Design Phase. This includes benefits, timeframes and costs of completing activities.
Analysis & Design 1. Initiate CRVS Digitisation Project CRVS Project Initiation Document (PID) Template Complete to comprehensively plan and establish a successful CRVS Digitisation project
Analysis & Design 2. Define the CRVS Business Architecture CRVS Business Architecture Template Complete to define your organisations’s business architecture; this helps frame the business functions and needs that CRVS digitisation must support
Analysis & Design 6. Define the CRVS Information Requirements Data Dictionary Template Complete to document your CRVS Data Dictionary
Analysis & Design 8. Define System Requirements Use Case Template Complete to effectively document use cases that reflect required system user interactions
Analysis & Design 8. Define System Requirements User Personas Template Complete to effectively document user personas that will capture user needs that should be reflected in subsequently defined system requirements
Analysis & Design 8. Define System Requirements CRVS System Requirements Template Complete to effectively document your CRVS system requirements. Included are a sample set of both functional and non-functional requirements
Analysis & Design 8. Define System Requirements Change Request Log Template Use throughout your project to standardise the way in which change requests are submitted
Implementation Planning 1. Document CRVS Digitisation Implementation Plan CRVS Digitisation Implementation Plan Template Complete, edit and update to effectively plan the Implementation Phase of your CRVS Digitisation Project
Implementation Planning 2. Procure the Digital CRVS system CRVS RFP Template Complete, edit and update to document requirements for the procurement of your CRVS system (and development team) as appropriate
Implementation Planning 3. Define the Change Management Approach and Plan CRVS Change Management Approach Template Complete to effectively plan your change management activities for the implementation phase
Implementation Planning 4. Define Deployment Approach and Plan Deployment Approach Template Complete to effectively plan your deployment activities for the implementation phase
Implementation Planning 4. Define Deployment Approach and Plan Deployment Plan Template Complete, edit and update to document your deployment plan
Implementation Planning 5. Define the Training Approach & Plan Training Approach Template Complete to effectively plan your training activities for the implementation phase
Implementation Planning 6. Define the Testing Approach and Plan Testing Approach Template Complete to effectively plan your testing activities for the implementation phase
Implementation Planning 7. Define the Operations Approach and Plan Operations and Maintenance Plan Template Complete to effectively plan for handover from the Implementation Team to the permanent Business As Usual Operations & Maintenance Team and for Business as Usual Operations
Phase Step Asset Name Type Asset Description
Analysis & Design 2. Define the CRVS Business Architecture Ghana CRVS Business Architecture
Analysis & Design 3. Conduct an As-Is Assessment of the CRVS Landscape CRVS-As-Is-Bottlenecks,Barriers and Potential Solutions
Analysis & Design 3. Conduct an As-Is Assessment of the CRVS Landscape Ghana – Death Registration_As-Is Process_FINAL
Analysis & Design 3. Conduct an As-Is Assessment of the CRVS Landscape Ghana – Marriage Registration_As-Is Process_FINAL Ghana – Marriage Registration_As-Is Process_FINAL
Analysis & Design 3. Conduct an As-Is Assessment of the CRVS Landscape Ghana – Divorce Registration_As-Is Process_FINAL Ghana – Divorce Registration_As-Is Process_FINAL
Analysis & Design 3. Conduct an As-Is Assessment of the CRVS Landscape Ghana – Death in a Community (Pre-Registration)_As-Is Process_FINAL Ghana – Death in a Community (Pre-Registration)_As-Is Process_FINAL
Analysis & Design 3. Conduct an As-Is Assessment of the CRVS Landscape Ghana – Death in a Health Facility (Pre-Registration)_As-Is Process_FINAL Ghana As-Is Process – Death in a Health Facility
Analysis & Design 3. Conduct an As-Is Assessment of the CRVS Landscape Ghana As Is System Landscape_annotated Ghana Annotated diagram of the As Is System Landscape
Analysis & Design 3. Conduct an As-Is Assessment of the CRVS Landscape Ghana System Landscape Assessment Ghana System Landscape Assessment
Analysis & Design 4. Identify CRVS Digitisation Opportunities & Limitations Ghana CRVS Digitisation Opportunities Ghana CRVS Digitisation Opportunities
Analysis & Design 6. Define the CRVS Information Requirements Conceptual Data Model Ghana Conceptual Data Model Ghana
Analysis & Design 6. Define the CRVS Information Requirements Ghana – CRVS Data Dictionary_FINAL Ghana – CRVS Data Dictionary
Analysis & Design 5. Document the Target CRVS Processes Ghana – CRVS Target Business Process and System Future Context Assumptions_FINAL Ghana – CRVS Target Business Process and System Future Context Assumptions
Analysis & Design 5. Document the Target CRVS Processes Ghana – CRVS Target Potential Business Process Enhancements_FINAL Ghana – CRVS Target Potential Business Process Enhancements
Analysis & Design 5. Document the Target CRVS Processes Ghana – Birth and Death Notification_GHS_Target Process_FINAL Ghana – Birth and Death Notification_GHS_Target Proces
Analysis & Design 5. Document the Target CRVS Processes Ghana – Birth Registration_Target Process_excl GHS & GSS_FINAL Ghana – Birth Registration_Target Process
Analysis & Design 5. Document the Target CRVS Processes Ghana – Death Registration_Target Process_excl GSS_FINAL Ghana – Death Registration_Target Process
Analysis & Design 5. Document the Target CRVS Processes Ghana – Divorce Registration_Target Process_excl GSS Ghana – Divorce Registration_Target Process
Analysis & Design 5. Document the Target CRVS Processes Ghana – Marriage Registration_Target Process_excl GSS Ghana – Marriage Registration_Target Process
Analysis & Design 3. Conduct an As-Is Assessment of the CRVS Landscape Ghana – Vital Statistics_GSS Target Process_FINAL Ghana – Vital Statistics_GSS Target Process
Analysis & Design 7. Define Target System Architecture CRVS User Stories_FINAL CRVS User Stories
Analysis & Design 8. Define System Requirements CRVS Target System Requirements CRVS Target System Requirements
Analysis & Design 7. Define Target System Architecture CRVS Target Functional Architecture FINAL CRVS Target Functional Architecture
Analysis & Design 1. Initiate CRVS Digitisation Project Ghana CRVS Business Case_FINAL Ghana CRVS Business Case
Implementation Planning 1. Document CRVS Digitisation Implementation Plan Ghana CRVS Digitisation – Implementation Recommendations Ghana CRVS Digitisation – Implementation Recommendations
Analysis & Design 7. Define Target System Architecture CRVS Target System Architecture CRVS Target System Architecture
Analysis & Design 7. Define Target System Architecture Target Architecture 5 – HIE Ghana Target Architecture 5 – HIE
Analysis & Design 7. Define Target System Architecture Ghana Target Architecture 7 – Security Ghana Target Architecture 7 – Security
Analysis & Design 3. Conduct an As-Is Assessment of the CRVS Landscape Ghana AS-IS Birth Registration Process FINAL Ghana AS-IS Birth Registration Process
Preparation 1. Define a Long-Term Vision for CRVS Digitisation Ghana Long-Term Vision for CRVS Digitisation
Preparation 1. Define a Long-Term Vision for CRVS Digitisation ­Botswana CRVS Digitisation Vision High-level CRVS Digitisation Vision from Botswana
Preparation 1. Define a Long-Term Vision for CRVS Digitisation Zambia National Strategic Action Plan for CRVS Detailed strategic action plan from Zambia
Preparation 1. Define a Long-Term Vision for CRVS Digitisation Tanzania To-Be Value Chain Expected target value chain of CRVS Digitisation, including inputs, processes, outputs and outcomes
Analysis & Design 2. Define the CRVS Business Architecture Kenya CRVS Business Architecture Example Kenya’s CRVS Business Architecture
Analysis & Design 2. Define the CRVS Business Architecture Kenya Birth Registration As-Is Process As-Is Birth Registration Process from Kenya
Analysis & Design 3. Conduct an As-Is Assessment of the CRVS Landscape Kenya AS-IS System Architecture Assessment Map As-Is System Architecture from Kenya, annotated with system analysis findings
Analysis & Design 3. Conduct an As-Is Assessment of the CRVS Landscape Kenya Birth Registration As-Is Process Assessment As-Is Birth Registration Process from Kenya, annotated with process analysis findings
Analysis & Design 5. Document the Target CRVS Processes Kenya TO-BE Birth Registration Process Future state birth registration process from Kenya
Analysis & Design 5. Document the Target CRVS Processes Kenya TO-BE Death Registration Process Future state death registration process from Kenya
Analysis & Design 7. Define Target System Architecture Kenya Future State Architecture Future state architecture from Kenya; developed in response to findings from system and process analysis
Analysis & Design 7. Define Target System Architecture Namibia Future State Architecture Future state architecture form Namibia; demonstrating an interoperable architecture
Analysis & Design 8. Define System Requirements Country CRVS System Requirements Examples Examples of different country’s CRVS system requirements
Phase Step Asset Name Type Asset Description
Analysis & Design 2. Define the CRVS Business Architecture Business Process Modelling Guide Guidance on how to effectively model your CRVS business processes
Analysis & Design 5. Document the Target CRVS Processes CRVS Business Process Modelling Guide Guidance on how to effectively model your CRVS business processes
Analysis & Design 6. Define the CRVS Information Requirements Generic CRVS Information Modelling Guide Guidance on how to effectively model your CRVS Information needs
Analysis & Design 6. Define the CRVS Information Requirements CRVS Data Dictionary Guide Guidance on how to effectively document your CRVS Data Dictionary
Analysis & Design 7. Define Target System Architecture Future State Architecture Guide Guidance on what different architectural options exist for your digital CRVS system and how they work
Analysis & Design 8. Define System Requirements Change Control Guide Guidance on how to develop a effective change management process