On completion of all activities in the Analysis and Design phase, it is important to take time to plan the next phase of activities, from system procurement through to the beginning of full system deployment. Conducting a comprehensive planning exercise mitigates the risk of schedule and cost overruns and a well-defined implementation plan provides a structured framework for ongoing project monitoring and reporting. This should be done within the context of the wider CRVS strategic plan to ensure that the project is not operating in isolation and any interdependencies are clearly acknowledged by all parties. The shift from analysis and design to implementation will also require you to revisit the PID and adjust the project team and governance to support the changing nature of the activities. You will also need to update the CRVS Business Case template to complete the costing sections related to Systems Development, Testing and Implementation.
For each release, follow the below steps
Document an implementation plan using the CRVS Digitisation Implementation Plan Template. The scope of this plan includes implementation planning activities; procurement*; prototype development; design, build and test of the system. pilot deployment*; scale-up*; training*, change management* and operations* as per the plan below (timings indicative).
*See subsequent activities for more detail.

CRVS Digitisation Implementation Plan
Hold an implementation planning review meeting with relevant leads of other CRVS improvement workstreams. Share the implementation plan and highlight interdependencies between workstreams e.g. Legal and policy reforms, without which the digital CRVS system cannot be fully adopted or be fully effective.
Rework the Business Case for CRVS Digitisation created in the Preparation Phase to reflect the costs associated with the proposed digitised CRVS system and use this when seeking funds for project implementation.
Review the Project Initiation Document (PID) and update content to reflect and support activities in the implementation roadmap and plan, including:
- Resources required
- Project management structure
- Governance structure and required oversight committees e.g. is the existing CRVS Steering Committee still fit for purpose?
- Stakeholder and project management meetings and frequency
- Budget
- Risks and issues log
Obtain approval for the PID with relevant stakeholders as identified in the RACI matrix, share with all project actors and stakeholders and confirm funding.

Example Project Team Structure: Implementation Phase